Monetize Your Passion: Become a Certified Reiki Healing Practitioner !

Course enriched by techniques gained from revered gurus

120 Mins Total

Instructed by

Rekha Babulkar

Founder at Soulful Academy
Life & Mindset Coach | Reiki Grand Master | ICH Master | MMI Coach

Reserve a seat  to unlock Bonuses worth ₹22,000

She has been featured at :

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5 Countries

Total Impacted Souls Counts to

50,000 +

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Rekha’s Growth in Life Coaching and Healing:

Rekha's immense growth in life coaching and healing stems from her commitment to personal development, acquisition of skills, exploration of healing modalities, practice, feedback, resilience, expansion of reach, integration of values, continuous learning, and celebration of achievements

Soulful Academy's impact extends to 200 community members, with over 50,000 individuals positively influenced by her work in life coaching and healing

Who is this workshop for?


Existing Practitioners ( L1 & L2 )

Healthcare Professionals

Holistic Practitioners

Coaches and Trainers

Personal Growth Seekers

Lecturers and Teachers

Those Seeking Stress Relief 

Curious Individuals

Wellness Enthusiasts

Anyone who is interested to learn about Reiki Healing and Practices 

Reserve a seat to unlock Bonuses worth ₹22,000

Here’s How the Workshop Will GO!!

Attend live workshop
Learn Rekha's 3 Secrets Magical framework
Implement the strategies in your life

Get Transformed

What will you learn in the workshop?

Understanding Reiki's Origins and Principles

Participants will explore the history and principles of Reiki, including its origins in Japan, the spiritual philosophy behind it, and how it differs from other forms of energy healing.

Understanding the Chakra SystemReceiving Reiki Attunements 

learn about the seven main energy centers in the body known as chakras, their corresponding colors, attributes, and how to assess and balance them using Reiki techniques.

Learn the Benefits of Practicing Reiki Techniques

Learning the benefits of practicing Reiki techniques empowers individuals to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and support holistic healing for themselves and others.

How to Develop Intuition and Sensitivity

Developing intuition and sensitivity involves practices like meditation, energy awareness exercises, and journaling to deepen awareness of subtle energies and inner guidance.

Exploring Self-Healing Practices

learn self-care techniques and practices for using Reiki to support their own physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, including daily self-treatment routines and energy hygiene practices.

Benefits of Reiki Attunements

Facilitate the opening of energetic channels, empowering individuals to channel and transmit healing energy for self-healing and aiding others' well-being.

and a lot more . . . .

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ATTENTION: Register now, to unlock these bonuses. This offer is never heard before.

Still Wondering If the Workshop is for YOU?

Please check all boxes, where your answer is YES!

Turn your passion into a profitable business that brings joy and fulfillment

share your expertise in Reiki and create a thriving

Self-discover and empower through Reiki, with the goal of attracting abundance

Give professional offerings and attract clients who resonate with your holistic approach

Get advanced training and certification in Reiki Levels 1-2 & 3-4

Collaborate, share resources, and uplift each other in the community on our journeys to success and fulfillment

If you checked ANY of the boxes above, then you’re invited to join The Power of Reiki Pracitcner Program Workshop😁

Reserve a seat to unlock Bonuses worth ₹22,000

Rekha Babulkar 

Founder at Soulful Academy
Life & Mindset Coach | Reiki Grand Master | ICH Master | MMI Coach

I am Rekha Babulkar, a Life Coach, Reiki Grand Master, and Chakra Master, who has experienced exponential growth over 10x in the past 2 years. I started my journey as a purchase in charge at the age of 18, and now have grown to over 8kk followers on Instagram. In the journey, I have given over 1000+ Webinars across 5 countries on platforms such as zoom, Corporate Space, and BNI Networks. 


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Total Souls made it for Meditation


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Get Certified

Official and verified:

Receive an instructor signed certificate with institution’s logo to verify your achievements and increase your job prospects

Easily shareable

Add the certificate to your CV or your Resume or post it directly on Linkedin. You can even post it on instagram and twitter.

Enhances Credibility

Use your certificate to enhance your professional credibility and stand out among your peers!

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Soulful Academy do?

Soulful Academy specializes in facilitating healing, transformative training, and personal evolution, guiding individuals on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

How can Reiki help with chakra healing?

Reiki can help balance and align the chakras by clearing stagnant energy and restoring the natural flow of life force energy throughout the body, promoting harmony and vitality on all levels.

What can I expect during a Reiki & Chakra session?

During a Reiki session, you can expect to experience the benefits of Reiki and learn about the balancing effects it has on the chakras, promoting relaxation, stress reduction, and overall well-being.

Reserve a seat to unlock Bonuses worth ₹22,000